Organizations assistance attraction to creating job opportunities to needy people

Sulh Community Development Council in the 13th district of Herat city, after conducting participatory learning action (PLA) process found the full understanding of the living status of the community.  Base on this information CDC could attract assistance of two offices (IOM and OIM) and created job opportunities and vocational courses to the needy male and female of the community.

This CDC has 22 members, formed from 220 households (626 male and 739 female) and is established on Aqrab 1396 by CCNPP from 11 election units and this CDC is located in 13th district of Herat city. After conducting PLA processes of Wellbeing analysis, Seasonal Calendar, Leaking pot and Women mobility; the community development plan of the CDC is made, based on this plan needy people and the people with work abilities have been identified and actions have been taken accordingly.

After so many attempts, the members referred to national and international offices and attracted the assistances of two (IOM and OIM) offices and conducted two vocational 6 months courses to needy male and female people, now 15 male are working in clothes (pajamas) and waistcoat tailoring and 15 women are working in curtain tailoring. The salary of the two experts 15000 AFN per person and the house rent 5000 AFN are paid monthly by the offices. At the end of the courses a package of necessary working equipment worth 130000AFN will be provided to each participants to enable them work what they have learnt.  

Sayeed Muhammad Hussain, Sulh CDC chairman says: “We learnt from CCNPP how to find the community’s needy people who are living around us, how to contact the different humanitarian offices, identify the exiting problems and solve them with the help of the offices.

Citizens’ Charter National Priority Program is delivering core infrustructure and standard services through CDCs for the purpose of local development, social and environmental safeguards, voilence and poverty reduction, besides CCNPP is capacitating the community development councils to be able to contact with institutions and offices when they need.