Children of 220 families to Gain Access to a Primary School Building in Nangarhar

Kabul, May 17, 2020 – A primary school building consisted of six classrooms, an office, three toilets and an excavated well financed by the Education Quality Reform in Afghanistan (EQRA) Project within the framework of the Citizens’ Charter National Priority Program of the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD/CCNPP) is under construction in Daman village, Batikot district of Nangarhar province. 

The school building whose work is 65 per cent completed will promote the access of 220 male and female students to an appropriate learning environment within the community.

Furthermore, a total of 2,823 labor days will be generated for both skilled and unskilled laborers during the implementation of the school project through Daman Community Development Council (CDC).


Citizens’ Charter National Priority Program of the Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD/CCNPP)