Introduction to Gulzar Community Development Council (CDC)
Gulzar Community Development Council (CDC) is formed of 11 election units by CCAP in Kateb Gozar district 13 of Herat city. The CDC is home to 221 families or 1369 persons (688 men and 681 women) and 50% members of the CDC are women.
Prior provision of services by Citizens’ Charter National Priority Program (CCNPP), all streets of the CDC were dusty and its residents were suffering from environmental contaminants such as dirt, standing water, and environmental contamination caused illnesses including children pediatric illnesses.
After formation of the Community Development Council by CCAP, residents of the community including men and women gathered in a large meeting to identify and prioritize their needs and then develop their community development plan and proposed CCAP to concrete their streets. The project consists of concreting 1201 meters of street, which will be completed within 9 months with total budget of 6,257,155 AFN budget and contribution of the community. Implementing of the street upgrading project will have good economic, social and health impacts, such as creation of traffic facilities in the community and clearing of dirt caused by traffic and vehicles, resolving mud problems on rainy days, preventing locals infected with respiratory diseases caused by dust and environmental pollution. At same it helps to rising property prices, creating a healthy environment for children's entertainment and beside it raises the people living standards.